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2.7 General Comments

Your ability to obtain images will grow exponentially. In the beginning you will be happy to find the standard views. However don't stop at this point. You can improve your skills. Even within the standard views you can optimize certain regions of the image. And, as mentioned earlier, use atypical views. Nevertheless, the standard views are the "cornerstones" of the exam. The "completed" house (the final results of your imaging) may be quite different, depending on what elements and how many additional elements you display.

Always use a systematic approach starting with a parasternal window and the parasternal long axis. Perform a thorough 2D investigation before you use spectral or color Doppler. Doppler should not only be used in the standard views but also in "atypical" views. This is especially because pathologies such as fistula, shunts, pseudoaneurysms or masses are only seen on some atypical views. Finally, document your exam either on a video tape or - much better - digitally. Documentation compels you to obtain good images and will therefore make you a better investigator.